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Lissabon Energy Group Meeting

Files linked to this conference:

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Date: Time: File: Type: Size
13/11/201417:40Christopher Watson -- Recent UK plans for a new nuclear build - a British Pugwash viewpptx0.87
13/11/201415:20Christoph Buchal -- The sobering aspects of the German Energiewendepdf4.6
13/11/201414:30 Paulo Ferrão -- Overview of the Portuguese Research and Development Activities on Energypptx15.63
13/11/201417:20Behnam Zakeri -- Current Energy Policy and Energy market situation in Finlandpdf0.55
13/11/201413:30Jose Santos-Victors -- Welcome Adress - IST A School for the 21st centurypptx10.87
13/11/201414:20 Fritz Wagner -- Information on the Varenna Energy School and the E2C conference in Karlsruhepptx6.12
13/11/201418:00Gianluca Alimonti -- Progres on developing a compact gamma ray detector for smartphonespdf3.11
13/11/20159:00Agenda pdf0.03
13/11/201517:00Min-Quang Tran -- The Swiss electricity policy for the Horizon 2050pdf2.52
13/11/201515:00Maarten Vergote -- Summary of Energy Policy in Belgiumpdf1.55
13/11/201516:40Raymond Koch -- Are we satisfied with the physics behind the CO2 greenhouse effectpptx0.37
13/11/201515:45Jose Martinez-Duart -- Recent Spanish developments on renewables and some consequencespptx2.37
13/11/201516:30Hardo Bruhns -- News from the Arbeitskreis Energy (AKE)pptx1.68
14/11/201410:30Herbert Fischer -- Discussion on EPS Statementpptx0
14/11/20148:50Jose Martinez-Duart -- Calculations on the evolution (2014-2050) of solar electricity (PV, CSP): LCOE costs, annual and total amounts of CO2 saved, and corresponding financial extra-costs, based on the IEA Scenariospptx1.65
14/11/20149:15Fritz Wagner -- On the European-wide electricity supply by RESpptx1.62
14/11/20149:40Laszlo Cernai -- Establishing the Academia Europaea - Bergen Knowledge Hubppt6.12
14/11/201510:15Jef Ongena -- Discussion on Position Letter of the Energy Grouppptx0.44